by Niko Joost
Oh, hi, Orion,
Way up in the sky on
A crisp, clear Christmastide night!
Your stars all twinkle
Like diamonds were sprinkled
On black velvet, reflecting the light.
In your belt I can see
Stars numbering three
Arranged like those pyramids at Giza
Were they built by Egyptians
With glyphic predilections?
Who knows, but they predated Caesar
Their ratios' designs
Run along cosmic lines
And feature the star Betelgeuse.
Geometrically astute,
Astronomically, to boot!
Their builders were far from obtuse
So when I espy
You up in the sky
My mind races to places far off.
Where scientists' debates
With Jules Verne and his mates
Are refereed by The Great Asimov.
Every December
I always remember
To look for you when the sun sets;
I know you're returning
Because your friendship, I'm learning
Won't ever be the subject of bets.
MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL! (And to all a Good Night!)